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Top 5 Tips for Conducting a Remote Investigation

With many workforces continuing to work remotely, companies have had to reshape the ways in which important business functions are executed, including the ways in which workplace investigations are conducted. In fact, over the last several months, many businesses have

Posted in Investigations

HR Investigations Pay Dividends: A Healthier Workplace and Protection in Court

Many HR professionals spend a significant amount of time investigating employee complaints and, depending on the outcome of these investigations, implementing corrective measures to halt and prevent bad behavior in the workplace. Some within an organization (usually not the HR

Posted in Human Resources, Investigations
About HR Headaches
HR Headaches is a blog for Human Resources professionals, business owners, and in-house counsel to get the latest news, analysis and tips in the area of labor and employment law. Every day there are new court decisions, agency interpretations, and regulations which affect the workplace, making it difficult, if not impossible, for many employers to keep current. HR Headaches is dedicated to providing information in a practical, no-nonsense manner to help employers avoid legal disputes and keep policies up to date.
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