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Five Ways to Simplify Your Employee Benefit Plan Administration For 2020 and Beyond

As we get ready for 2020 (and beyond) here are five hot employee benefits ideas to implement in order to make your employee benefit plan administration easier: 1. Adopt (or update) Cafeteria Plan and Wrap Plan Document for Health and

Posted in Benefits, Labor & Employment

IRS Sets March 31, 2020 Deadline for 403(b) Plan Document Compliance

The United States Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) has released Revenue Procedure 2019-39, which sets forth a March 31, 2020 deadline by which tax-qualified 403(b) plans must have plan documents that fully comply with the 403(b) requirements.  A 403(b) plan

Posted in Labor & Employment, Tax
About HR Headaches
HR Headaches is a blog for Human Resources professionals, business owners, and in-house counsel to get the latest news, analysis and tips in the area of labor and employment law. Every day there are new court decisions, agency interpretations, and regulations which affect the workplace, making it difficult, if not impossible, for many employers to keep current. HR Headaches is dedicated to providing information in a practical, no-nonsense manner to help employers avoid legal disputes and keep policies up to date.
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