Blog Archives

What to Do When a Union Calls

Last week we posted a blog that discussed how employers with and those without unionized workforces should prepare for a union’s response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Click here to view the blog. This blog discusses what an employer with a

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Posted in COVID-19, NLRB, Union

Employers With Unionized Workforces Need to be Prepared

With Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties beginning to loosen restrictions on the operation of certain businesses operating primarily outdoors, including resuming construction, effective on May 4, 2020, employers with collective bargaining agreements (CBA)

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Posted in COVID-19, Union

Unions Want Exemption from $15 Minimum Wage

Apparently, Unions in Los Angeles are big believers in “Do What I say, Not What I Do.” Los Angeles recently joined a number of liberal cities in passing a bill that would raise minimum wage to $15 by 2020. Now,

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Posted in Labor & Employment, Wage and Hour

NLRB Cracking Down on No-Taping Policies

It is well-established that the NLRB has been aggressively litigating cases involving social media policies and employees terminated for making disparaging comments online. Recently, however, the NLRB has expanded its reach even further into employee handbooks and have staked out

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Posted in Labor & Employment
About HR Headaches
HR Headaches is a blog for Human Resources professionals, business owners, and in-house counsel to get the latest news, analysis and tips in the area of labor and employment law. Every day there are new court decisions, agency interpretations, and regulations which affect the workplace, making it difficult, if not impossible, for many employers to keep current. HR Headaches is dedicated to providing information in a practical, no-nonsense manner to help employers avoid legal disputes and keep policies up to date.
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