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New Bill is Preview of What Might Happen if Congress Flips in November

Many pollsters are predicting Congress could switch from Republican to Democratic control in November. It has been quite some time since we have seen any significant employment legislation from the Congress, but a newly invigorated Democrat Congress might get busy

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Posted in Federal Government, Labor & Employment

White House Pushes for Ban on Non-Competes

The enforceability of employee restrictions on competition has traditionally been up the states, with some, like California, largely banning such agreements, while others, like Texas, allowing them with reasonable limitations. On Tuesday, October 25, the White House took the unprecedented

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Posted in Federal Government, Labor & Employment

Texas Supreme Court Draws Distinction Between Loyalty Agreement and Non-Compete

In many industries, it is common to pay incentives in the form of restricted stock options payable in the future if certain conditions are satisfied. In Exxon-Mobil v. Drennen, decided on August 29, 2014,  the Texas Supreme Court reviewed the

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Posted in Labor & Employment

Use of Non-Compete Clauses Increasing Across Professions

By Shaan A. Rizvi — The New York Times ran a fascinating article about the proliferation of non-competition clauses in employment agreements throughout the country.  As the article correctly notes, non-competition agreements, or non-competes, were traditionally used most often in

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Posted in Labor & Employment
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HR Headaches is a blog for Human Resources professionals, business owners, and in-house counsel to get the latest news, analysis and tips in the area of labor and employment law. Every day there are new court decisions, agency interpretations, and regulations which affect the workplace, making it difficult, if not impossible, for many employers to keep current. HR Headaches is dedicated to providing information in a practical, no-nonsense manner to help employers avoid legal disputes and keep policies up to date.
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